Dr. Calynn Lawrence

An Interview with Dr. Calynn Lawrence, 20x Award-Winning Humanitarian and Businesswoman, on The Fresh Faces Project Awards Finale & The Holistic Healing Source Premiere

You may have heard about Dr. Calynn Lawrence in the news, on social media or from someone you know who’s worked with her or benefitted from her philanthropy. If you haven’t, she is the Chicagoan social entrepreneur who founded the world-record-breaking nonprofit initiative that has benefited nearly 1,000 small businesses and freelancers, The Fresh Faces Project, as well as its parent company, the Calynn Communications & Creative corporation. Her work has made her one of the most decorated and publicized in her niche. A multifaceted digital activist, nonprofit leader, media personality, marketing director and now triple board certified trauma specialist and social scientist, Dr. Lawrence is a champion “multi-hyphenate” in the words of Elaine Welteroth. In this interview, we get to know more about her feelings surrounding the final Fresh Faces Project awards ceremony and the new beginnings to come for her ventures.

Dr. Calynn Lawrence

Walk us through the journey you’ve gone through with the Fresh Faces Project and how it landed you here.

I started the Fresh Faces Project when I was a barely 18, imaginative, creative kid balancing my fashion business internship at Nordstrom that I’d done for most of high school, soon to take on a 2nd job at H&M, and

trying to make decent grades with a full course load and being involved in extracurriculars and volunteering. Throughout my teen years, I’d made quite a few connections with other artists and aspiring talents in school, at work and in my free time hanging at the YouMedia Center downtown. After blogging for most of high school and learning a lot of foundational skills in marketing and communications, I wanted to leverage that to make a small difference. So, I started the Fresh Faces Project as an extension of my blog and interviewed many of the people I knew and their associates to amplify their voices as young, black and brown people just trying to be acknowledged for their craft.

That turned into me being able to cover their stories as a freelance journalist for many of the publications that I worked as a writer and editor for. Then, it became interviewing them on live TV as a cable network anchor and in my web series as a podcast host. Then, it became me producing a documentary that reached over 30K viewers on a $300 budget. Then, it became me throwing the annual awards ceremony starting in 2017 which continually expanded. Then, I got to a point where in addition to all of those other services, I was able to provide fiscal support to some of these beneficiaries as well. Eventually, one day I looked up and through our collective efforts over the past decade of my life we’d had impacts, big and small, on almost 1,000 people! Even though we’re now scaling back our offerings here to become 100% virtual to maximize our small team’s bandwidth, I am marveled at what we’ve become. Reflecting on how much both my businesses and I as a woman have grown and evolved for the better in that time is tear jerking, and I couldn’t be more proud of myself and everyone we’ve worked with.

The final awards ceremony in September was profoundly near and dear to my heart because it marked our milestone anniversary and also the 10 year celebration of my mother’s ECD survival. She has continually battled an extremely rare blood cancer, Erdheim Chester disease, for my entire adulthood and I felt amazing collaborating with her on making this last hoorah really mean something. Through the Fresh Faces Project’s pledge and the silent auction she hosted, the ceremony was able to give back to the international foundation leading the charge for a cure and a few families who are actively suffering.

Dr. Calynn Lawrence

It is astonishing that something you started as a teenager has touched so many lives and helped so many people. Congratulations on all of the Fresh Faces Project’s accomplishments as well as your mom’s ECD endurance! With such success, what fueled the desire to end the annual awards ceremony and shift your services model with The Fresh Faces Project?

Thank you so much! Honestly, after finishing over 7 years of college, grad school and seminary to earn my Master of Science in Management & Leadership and my Doctorate in Pastoral Counseling plus my trauma board certifications, I need to put that education to use. I spent way too much money, time and energy balancing full time work, full time university and part time volunteering for most of my adulthood, to let those skills and expertise go to waste. Next year, I’ll be launching my latest and greatest endeavor, The Holistic Healing Source for Marginalized Society, that will hopefully be a game changing resource to benefit humanity, particularly those in underrepresented populations i.e the BIPOC community, women, the LBTQIA+, and the disabled. We will offer relevant, engaging research-based education for professionals in the form of articles, courses, seminars and reusable powerpoint presentations who want to learn more about or spread the word on integrative DEIB, catalyzing systemic change, enacting social justice and optimizing the health, wealth and happiness of disadvantaged people. For individuals seeking care and assistance, we’ll have a variety of free offerings including information directories of vetted organizations, evidence-backed self help content and supportive group therapy led by me to foster spiritual, mental and physical prosperity. This ministry is where I feel God and the universe have called me to serve so I can’t wait to see what fulfillment and joy this will bring to the participants and myself!

Do you foresee any bottlenecks with launching such a unique program with no outside funders or investors?

As with all of my community service work, I am prepared to self-fund and put in most of the sweat equity to make this thing happen. While expensive, I am willing to pay the upfront costs if it means bringing the vision to life. I make a decent living in my career and have no children so I can reduce my budget in recreational areas. I wouldn’t be opposed to sponsorships or collaborative partnerships in the future for this, but it will happen either way because I believe in putting my money where my mouth is when it comes to creating positive progress. I have a soul-deep dedication to fulfilling my life purpose to be a blessing, big or small, to as many people as I can before I leave this Earth. And, whatever challenges that comes with, they are well worth the reward of seeing my dreams and others’ come to fruition.

That is awe-inspiring and seems like it would be a largely beneficial program for both individuals who need help and those seeking to give help! This work is very much needed in today’s world. How can people get involved?

I appreciate that a lot! The Holistic Healing Source for Marginalized Society isn’t launched yet, but will hopefully be ready to premiere in early 2025. So, for now, people can stay tuned on social media or my blog for any announcements. Thanks in advance for any and all support given to me and my businesses!

To keep up with Dr. Lawrence, follow her on social media @calynnmlawrence or visit her blog
